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Buck Shack Chardonnay, Lake County California
Buck Shack Chardonnay, Lake County California

Buck Shack Chardonnay, Lake County California

$15.9911% off
Reg: $17.99
750 ml
Buck Shack Chardonnay, Lake County California

Buck Shack Chardonnay, Lake County California

750 ml

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Genuine. Clay Shannon. Whitetail. Nestled deep in our vineyards stood a dilapidated 100 year old skinning shed called the 'Ye Old Buck Shack'. We loved the beauty and history of this old building. We restored it and converted it into a whiskey bar on our property called 'Sheep Camp'. The shack looks and feels like an old Western movie and it serves as a special place for us to gather and use bad judgement. Sustainably farmed. Family owned. Alc. 14.5% by vol. 29 Produced & bottled by Shannon Ridge Family of Wines, Nice, California.


Contains sulfites



Genuine. Clay Shannon. Whitetail. Nestled deep in our vineyards stood a dilapidated 100 year old skinning shed called the 'Ye Old Buck Shack'. We loved the beauty and history of this old building. We restored it and converted it into a whiskey bar on our property called 'Sheep Camp'. The shack looks and feels like an old Western movie and it serves as a special place for us to gather and use bad judgement. Sustainably farmed. Family owned. Alc. 14.5% by vol. 29 Produced & bottled by Shannon Ridge Family of Wines, Nice, California.


Contains sulfites

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